Over these couple of decades the increasing efforts in gender equality was redefining the world’s views on what a woman is. Women were finally put on the same playing field as men. Organisations like UN Women, Gender at Work and Rise up all work to change these norms set in place by society and shape it into an inclusive environment and provide opportunities to prove that gender doesn’t determine a person's abilities. Despite all of their contributions to this change, are we really close to achieving total gender equality?
Life as a female, though now easier, still is faced with much criticism. It is still seen today that when a man speaks up for what he believes he’s seen as bold and strong but when a woman does it’s seen that she’s being emotional or hysterical and that she needs to calm down. This prejudice is fueled by generations of ignorance and close-mindedness. In this day and age you’d have hoped that this mentality has diminished but how do you go against centuries of built-up stereotypes?
Even today sexism is still very much present. In commerce men’s median salary is 19% more than women’s. As of 2020 women only earn 81 cents for every 1 dollar a man earns. In 2017 a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center found that 42% of women faced gender discrimination and 25% of them faced earning inequality. It is worse for women with children, it is known as the motherhood penalty or the childbearing penalty. Harvard Business Review interviewed 107 consultants regarding the issue of why women are not progressing and improving their career, and many have given the explanation that women's obligation to cater to their families needs both emotionally and financially is the reason that is holding them back. However their data shows a different truth, one of their male consultants gave the summary of the problem, “Women are going to have kids and not want to work, or they are going to have kids and might want to work but won’t want to travel every week and live the lifestyle that consulting requires, of 60- or 70-hour weeks.” But what he does not take into account and the countless other people that follow this understanding is that not all women are mothers. HBR had found in their research that promotion rates for childless women are worse than women with children. They stated in their article that ‘Childless women figured nowhere in people’s remarks, perhaps because they contradict the work/family narrative.’
Equality, such a simple word but it’s truly easier said than done. I am not denying that people who put their blood, sweat and tears for this cause have all been for nought. Their work has aided and provided stability to women all around the world. For example the metoo movement, the organization that creates a safe space for sexual violence victims to share their stories. They have many programs such as the Survivors Healing series and Leadership training. This is extremely important for women as it teaches them to grow, overcome their fears and be the fierce ladies they are but there is still much work to do. I hope that one day we all can live together without ever judging a person by their gender but by their tenacity and their character.